Have you Ever Wondered...

How Did God Do It?

A Symphony of Science and Scripture

The Author

Rose and Walt Huber

Rose and Walt have been active members of Catholic, Presbyterian and Methodist churches. While neither considers himself/herself ultra-religious, they believe they are both spiritual.

How Did God Do It? is a question that’s haunted Walt for decades. He thinks he may have finally come up with some plausible answers.

A Book For Deep Thinkers

Conventional wisdom and the generally accepted explanation for the miraculous stories in the Holy Bible are that God has a magic wand, of sorts. He simply waves it around; and it all happens. From the creation story and the parting of the Red Sea, through the miracles of Jesus, the answers in Sunday School lessons were always that God is all-powerful and, therefore, can do anything.


Could there be another explanation? A more technical account that doesn’t violate the laws of physics and chemistry that God Himself so divinely ordained, one that does not contradict the basic tenets of Judaism, Christianity and Islam—and that rationally answers the question. . . How Did God Do It?
For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.
(Psalm 86:10 TNIV)


While most faithful people would probably agree to the timelessness of God, when it comes to other attributes of the Creator, there are many viewpoints:

Bible Trivia

  • The story about the wise men (Magi) visiting Jesus in Matthew Chapter 2 never uses the number three to identify the number of visitors.

  • Jonah encounters a great fish. The word whale is never used in the Jonah chapter.

  • The last book of the Bible is titled Revelation. There is no letter s on the end.
"Credo ut Intelligam."
( I believe in order to understand.)
St. Augustine
“Science can purify religion from error and superstition; religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish. . . We need each other to be what we must be, what we are called to be."
Pope John Paul II


“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
Albert Einstein

Hear authors Walt & Rose Huber interviewed on 55KRC