Table of Contents
Exploring the question How Did God Do It? can result in a faith-renewing experience.
Do you know its plot?
He/She/It is one fine Creator.
Yes, Virginia, there IS a God; but, no dear, He’s not a magician.
The Supreme Being would not violate His own laws.
The Boss has ‘divine’ skill sets.
Is it God? Or LORD? Or Lord? They’re not the same, you know.
God and the team were incredibly patient in preparing the Earth for its mission.
How many Adams and Eves were there?
Is it an ark? A boat? A submarine?
Why does the Lord scatter His people in this Biblical tale?
With its men-angels, fire and brimstone, this is a classic “obey God or else” story.
Why would God require so many burnt offerings?
What’s the point (so to speak)?
Does Jacob actually see God face-to-face?
Science helps decode the Exodus ‘miracles.’
Were psychologists and behavioral scientists involved in the creating of the Ten Commandments?
Was it a dream? Was it a vision? Or something else?
The Battle of Jericho: Not only HOW, but WHY did God do it?
The Battle of Jericho: Not only HOW, but WHY did God do it?
Why do these ancients end up on God’s “wicked” list?
Whatever happened to the legendary Ten Lost Tribes?
The “My God’s Better than Your God” contest.
The baldy affair: Is Elisha having a bad- (or no-) hair day? And what about those bears?
Was Flip Wilson right? Does the Devil really make them do the things they do?
Why is God (or the LORD) so freakin’ angry?
Was Daniel the original animal whisperer?
Is it a whale? Or a fish? Or a gourd? Or a plant? And who cares?
Why is God’s personality about to shift from vengeful to loving?
What did Jesus look like? The Bible provides clues.
Isn’t it odd that Mark and John don’t mention the birth of Jesus?
Does Jesus have help in ‘staging’ His ‘miracles?’
We know how Jesus saves the ‘spirit’ of the wedding celebration. But whose wedding is it?
Miracles? Or just lots of picnic baskets?
Why, in heaven’s name, does Jesus need to perform all these ‘miracles’ anyway?
Where did Jesus learn such amazing (for the day) medical knowledge and skills?
Where did Jesus learn such amazing (for the day) medical knowledge and skills?
How ‘dead’ were these ‘raised’ folks?
Could the ‘original Jesus’ have been a pagan god or mythological figure?
Where was Jesus between Friday and Sunday?
Who Promotes Paul to Apostle?