For Boomers And Seekers
"Religion in the United States is a brilliantly colored kaleidoscope ever taking on configurations of blended hues.”
Spiritual Marketplace
That’s what Professor Roof calls his study of Boomer religions. It’s also the title of his book: Spiritual Marketplace, Baby Boomers and the Remaking of American Religion. (Wade Clark Roof, Princeton University Press, 2001, ISBN: 0-691-08996-5)
Roof references a “quest culture” created by the Baby Boomers — one growing out of “their yearning for a wholeness of body, mind, and spirit; the impact of the media; and globalization. Although some of these individuals have returned to churches and synagogues, most remain unaffiliated with religious institutions. A broad and eclectic group of suppliers has arisen to serve their needs and interests: self-help groups, retreat centers, spiritual seminars, New Age workshops, meditation cassettes and videos, and an unending stream of books about spirituality and the world’s religions.”
Indeed. Just visit a large chain bookstore and/or the internet. The once ‘booming’ (pun intended) “religion” section appears to be dwarfing as more “spiritual” topics emerge in popularity — angels, meditation, spiritual journey, prophecy, the sacred, esoterica (to name a few). This splintering of the religious perspective seems to indicate that our society has become more interested in spiritual concerns than in religion (there is a difference, you know). Or perhaps we’re just caught up in the latest trend (typical Baby Boomer, huh?).
If you are one of the “seekers” that Roof references — and if you’re especially looking for a sensible spirituality —you’ll likely be intrigued with some of the mind-bending theories presented in How Did God Do It?